Let’s get started. My name is Lorenzo Hills. I am an author and entrepreneur. If this is your first time here on the site or a current member using this page has a reference tool. Here’s the skinny:


If you are looking for information on my soon to be published book: The Destruction of Liberal Democracy, Shitcraft: Donald Trump’s New World Order you can visit the site ShitCraft. You can read the synopsis here. Other publications and products can be found in the store.

The Field

In the last 10 years, I have built several successful businesses. I’ve work with fascinating individuals from all walks of life. I have like other entrepreneurs have seen my share of success and failure.

I have first hand knowledge of watching my hard work, ideas, and projects crash and burn. In order to see successful successes. I had to learn how to turn defeat into a valuable resource.  I want to share my knowledge of the wins and loses of entrepreneurship.

The Scope

The world is always changing. The field is being rearranged. Whether it’s a change for better or worse is something we can debate at a later time. Just be aware there is going to be knowledge and power gap like no other time in modern history. At times like this, people begin to lose confidence and courage begins to wane.

The truth is you can transcend problems and make it out on the other side. You’re going to have to change how you look at problems. You’re going to have change your position so solutions pursue you. It is called order.

We’re going to learn to focus more on our opportunities and the accurate perception of dangers. In order to learn how to use strategies to engage opportunity and avoid or crush danger.

This blog is resource for those interested in the connection between Ai, cryptocurrency, and the destruction of liberal democracy. As a studious lover of history, I don’t think that all three things intersecting at the same time and space in history is a coincidence.

Entrepreneur & His Technology

What you will find here are essays on the Ai, cryptocurrency, entrepreneurship, and the destruction of liberal democracy. My interest in robotics, electronics, and computers started when I was an early teen. My parents bought me my fair share of Tandy Radio Shack computers that ran plenty of BASIC on tape then on floppy disk (the old days) from there my love for computers and robotics grew.

I started out early to be an entrepreneur. When I was 10 years old I was writing up contracts to do work at local business and store fronts. I would equate dollars to the work performed.

I got my first book on robotics back then which I am still proud to own, Working Robots by Fred D’Ignazio. After reading D’Ignazio book I went out to Radio Shack got transistors, capacitors, and chips to build my own projects.

Easily acquired battle scars from poor soldering techniques working on boards to make a LED or photoelectric sensor perform magic. I give a lot of credit to the author, D’Ignazio for his book stirring up my curiosity of robots and computers.

Over time my knowledge grew has to what I could do with computers in terms of making money. My first job in sales I went out grabbed a laptop and got a distro of  Redhat Linux. Next thing you know I was databasing all my clients to generate more sales.

The Present

Now my goal here is to share the projects I build on GitHub and collaborate with other developers and entrepreneurs who have an interest in Ai, blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.


I am currently in the process of publishing my book The Destruction of Liberal Democracy, ShitCraft: Donald Trump’s New World Order.

My creative processes have been documented as an author to give you, the reader a look at how I use concepts throughout the manuscript. I also hope it inspires other thinkers to think on some of topics I introduced in the text. The general overview can be found in the synopsis.

I am the author of two other books due this editorial calendar prior to spring of 2018. They are Aie and Gentrification: The New Colonialism.

Aie (which stands for Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneur) highlights how entrepreneurs should consider artificial intelligence. Whether the field is Ai (artificial intelligence), DS (data science), ML ( machine learning), or DL (deep learning) there are opportunities in each field that can change the lives of individuals and communities.

Gentrification: The New Colonialism explores the riveting reality of how colonialism or using settlers has a form of warfare to de-value real estate not owned or possessed by the settlers is still a way to profit in the 21st century.

In this book, I draw power network parallels between charter companies in Old Europe and modern city planning organizations. In both books, my goal has an author is to bring out subtle truths in order to help the entrepreneur gain greater awareness in order to bring forth a better world.